Product sheet for download:
technical documentation of areas pdf

We offer technical documentation of important sites within any area: manufacturing plants, logistic parks, sports areas, accommodation compounds, parks, golf courses, municipal areas, etc.

This product can very efficiently and to a large degree replace conventional geodesic services focused on technical documentation of areas. It saves about 50% of the time and up to 20% of the money spent on conventional geodesic services.

For whom this is targeted:

Owners, investors, developers and administrators of selected areas, plants or compounds.
Anyone planning modifications or development of an area or property. 
Anyone who wants to have a perfect overview of their property as well as its kind and area and to handle it efficiently.

What we need to know in order for us to provide the ideal offer for you:
The borders of the area in question. 
The location of the area with regard to the preparation of aerial photography in relation to applicable legislation.

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